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Baked Chocolate Ganache

29 March 2018, Flour Eggs Water

Flour Eggs Water have shared their gluten free Baked Chocolate Ganache recipe, served perfectly with shaved chocolate, fresh fruit, mascarpone or whipped cream.


1kg Dark Chocolate (amedei preferred)
600ml Cream
100ml Milk
6 Eggs
2 Orange Zest
50ml Cointreau
1ea Vanilla Bean


1. Bring cream, milk, orange zest, vanilla bean to boil
2. Melt chocolate (large bowl) over water bath, add cream and mix
3. Add eggs and Cointreau mix until all combined
4. Line terrine mould with baking paper
5. Pass through sieve into terrine mould, cook in water bath
6. Bake at 140 degrees for 20 – 25 minutes

Note: should still be soft (wobbly) in middle and allow to set in fridge.


Serves 8



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